Meet Sara Chéu, currently preparing the launching of a conscious fashion brand of artisan detachable collars!
Today on Purcuapà Magazine we introduce you to Sara Chéu, currently on the preparations of a new conscious fashion brand focussed on complements! Do not miss the interview below!
You will be launching a new fashion brand - What made you decide to do it?
I fancied the idea of opening an e-shop for some time already but for some reason, this was staying in the back of my head. Last January I bumped into a small shop with antiques, costumes, and upcycled vintage clothes. The owner made me think about myself when “I grow up”.
I loved her shop, somehow it spoke to me.
Just right after it, I was making some decisions about my professional life and by chance, I found free entrepreneurship coaching which made me think, why not now? So, at the beginning of February, I decided to do it. That little shop in Lisbon and the perfect timing of finding that coaching immediately after gave me the push. I would say that somehow that made me do it. I guess I might have several other motivations, but it passes for this excitement of creating something from scratch and being independent. I know it’s very hard but that’s what I felt I need it in this moment of my life.
Also, I needed to express myself again and share with people my universe.
I used to be on stage and now I feel that I’ll express myself afresh in another way through another platform.
How are the people that you have thought of as consumers of the brand?
My customers are people who like dressing with a sweet eccentricity. They privilege the culture, handcraft, and vintage.
They are looking for more sustainable alternatives and are tired of big chains. People who feel comfortable with buying online since, in the beginning, it will be only online. Other people are very welcome too but that is what I think is my target for the moment.
The brand has sustainability as a key principle - What led you to that conviction?
It’s been a while that I try to make changes little by little as a consumer. When I started to study costume design, I watched a documentary about the fast fashion industry. Fashion, in general, produces a lot of waste plus has a lot of ethical gaps.
These are things against my values so for me, when I decided to start a brand, these values popped out naturally because they’re already within me as an individual.
I am aware that this industry and topic are complex, the words sustainability and fashion together are almost a paradox. I want to be as transparent as possible about what I use and how it’s made. If the readers are interested to help me to be more sustainable, they can answer the survey they'll find below. I am open to suggestions.
Besides, I like the idea of a slow way of living. Everything is too fast; I wish we could go slower.
I started to sew because it takes time and patience to do it.
We all want everything immediately here and now and I believe that this makes us even more unhappy.
Going slower and making conscious decisions might be healthier, I guess.
What is the main challenge that you are experiencing?
Managing everything on my own. It has been challenging and the brand is not even out yet.
At the same time, I like that I have to learn new things often and it is exciting to build something from scratch. Also, starting a brand with no money is incredibly challenging.
What would you say to someone that is also considering launching their project but has doubts?
This might be very basic, but I would say:
Just start doing it.
Doubts are part of launching a project. I would say that there are no guarantees or recipes, but I think entrepreneurial coaching, formations, and reading about the subject can help a lot.
I know you are in a market analysis stage, and for that, you have prepared a survey. Could you tell us a bit about it and let our readers know where to find it?
Yes, in this survey, I try to gather some information about the expectations and suggestions of my future clients. With that data, I will be able to see what most of my client thinks and I’ll try to fill their expectations in the measure of possible. If there is a reader here identifying themselves as a future client, you are very much welcome to fill in it. Let's build the brand together!
Once the brand is ready, where would we be able to find it (web, Instagram, Facebook...)? Can we already start following the brand?
You will be able to find it on Instagram and a website will be created as well. Unfortunately, it’s not possible yet to follow the brand, since I’m still working on it. But if you answer the survey, you can leave your e-mail and you will be informed about the launch.
This is lovely, Sara, we are so very much looking forward to it!
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